Marketing Videos
I produce effective marketing videos to promote your company, product or service.
Training Videos
Training videos are very effective in educating your employees.
Documentary Videos
A documentary video is a great way of educate your employees and create an entertaining and historical record.
Corporate, Industrial & Small Business Videos
Corporate and Industrial videos target business customers as well as employees. They can promote a product or service or explain complex information in a vey succinct and unique way.
A Few Samples Of My Video Projects
- National Restoration
- Spartan CDRWS
- Camden Christmas
- POPS Software
- NetsforLife Campaign
- Prospera Pro - 1
- Security Observation Skills
- Firefighters Are Needed DVD
This is a web marketing video Produced this video for National Restoration and facility Services.
This is Marketing Video Program for Ampro Video Productions on the Spartan Air CDRWS System.
This video was produced for the Camden Christmas Committee of the Grace and St. Andrews Churches. The program documented the churches outreach to over 80 families of Camden NJ during the Christmas season.
This video was produced as a marketing video for POPS Project Management Software a revolutionary online project management tool built by contractors for contractors.
This video was made for the web and a DVD it highlights the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey NetsforLife 2012 Campaign.
Marketing video for RecoverCare’s Prospera Pro-1 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy System.
Video training DVD for security observation skills for housekeepers and janitors.
This is the 1st of 5 segments on the DVD titled Volunteer Firefighters are Needed in Salem County. This video was used as a recruitment and outreach program for the fire companies.